Average Size of All Markdown File in Vault


Reads the content of all Markdown files in the Vault and returns the average document size:


import { Notice, Plugin } from "obsidian";

export default class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
  async onload() {
    this.addRibbonIcon("info", "Calculate average file length", async () => {
      const fileLength = await this.averageFileLength();
      new Notice(`The average file length is ${fileLength} characters.`);

  async averageFileLength(): Promise<number> {
    const { vault } = this.app;

    const fileContents: string[] = await Promise.all(
      vault.getMarkdownFiles().map((file) => vault.cachedRead(file))

    let totalLength = 0;
    fileContents.forEach((content) => {
      totalLength += content.length;

    return totalLength / fileContents.length;

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