Daily note template based on day of the week

Language:: JavaScript
Program:: Obsidian
Link:: Daily note template based on day of the week (bonus: link note to current day) · Discussion #240 · SilentVoid13/Templater · GitHub


Daily note template based on day of the week, see discussion for more details and use cases


I wanted a solution to populate different Day Planner schedules based on the current day of the week, and with some help from @shabegom I have achieved this with the following:

User JS scripts:


function scheduleTemplate(tp) {
  switch (parseInt(moment(tp.file.title).format('d'))) {
    case 1: return tp.file.include("[[Schedule - 01 Monday]]")
    case 2: return tp.file.include("[[Schedule - 02 Tuesday]]")
    case 3: return tp.file.include("[[Schedule - 03 Wednesday]]")
    case 4: return tp.file.include("[[Schedule - 04 Thursday]]")
    case 5: return tp.file.include("[[Schedule - 05 Friday]]")
    case 6:
    case 0: return tp.file.include("[[Schedule - Weekend]]")
    default: return tp.file.include("[[Schedule - +Weekday]]")

module.exports = scheduleTemplate


function command(action) {
  const allCommands = app.commands.listCommands();
  const command = allCommands.filter(
    (command) => command.name.toUpperCase() === action.toUpperCase().trim()
  return '';
module.exports = command;

Daily note Template

<% tp.user.scheduleTemplate(tp) %>
<%* if(moment(tp.file.title).isSame(new Date(), "day")) tp.user.command("Day Planner: Link today's Day Planner to the current note") %>



Link: https://github.com/SilentVoid13/Templater/discussions/240#discussioncomment-829917

I'll jump in, since I was planning on writing a how-to anyhow (so future-me doesn't forget how I set this all up 😆)

For example, here's my Daily Notes template (I'm also using the Tasks plugin, which is what all the fol-de-rol at the bottom is about):

# Daily Log -- {{ date:MMM D, YYYY}}

<% tp.date.now("YYYY", 0, tp.file.title) %> »  <% tp.date.now("MMMM", 0, tp.file.title) %>  »  Week <% tp.date.now("ww", 0, tp.file.title) %>
 ⇦ Previous Day |  Next Day ⇨ 

<% tp.user.daily_schedule(tp) %>
<%* if(moment(tp.file.title).isSame(new Date(), "day")) tp.user.command("Day Planner: Link today's Day Planner to the current note") %>

## Tasks
### Overdue 
- Personal
	not done
	path includes Task List
	due before {{ date:YYYY-MM-DD }}

Due today

Due w/in 7 days

No due date

Done today


You can see that under the breadcrumb, I'm using [@deathau](https://github.com/deathau)'s script to load my daily schedule. Here's an example of my Friday schedule:

Day Planner

The super awesome thing about [@deathau](https://github.com/deathau)'s script is that if you create your daily note on that day, it automatically links it to the Day Planner plugin, which is way spiffy! 😀


Slight tweak of the function but allows customization of notes within obsidian. This way you can modify the included files within obsidian including using [[]] to autocomplete

function scheduleWeekday(tp, files) {
  switch (parseInt(moment(tp.file.title).format('d'))) {

    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
      return tp.file.include(files.weekday)

    case 0:
    case 6: return tp.file.include(files.weekend)

module.exports = scheduleWeekday;


    tp.user.scheduleDaily(tp, {
          weekday:  "[[Utilities/Templater/Templates/Blocks/Process/P-Weekdays]]",
          weekend:      "[[P-Weekends]]",

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