The Chiropractor

An Update

Developing a writing habit is hard. Being a filmmaker I know all too well the feeling of staring at a blank page and not knowing where to begin. I start reading up on Storytelling and doubting my abilities, well aware that if I just begin, if I write for five minutes every day I'll slowly but surely become a better writer.

Anyway, I've been reading a lot. HP Lovecraft, PKD, Carlton Mellick III. These dudes are genius, each with their own very unique and distinct writing style.Today I want to do an exercise in writing something a bit more along the lines of Bizarro Fiction. I recently finished a book called Quicksand House and I love the oftentimes grotesque, outlandish, over the top imagery and mechanics of the world and characters.

But first, a warm up...

Dialogue challenge (10 minutes): Write a conversation between two characters without using any dialogue tags (e.g., "he said," "she asked"). Focus on making each character's voice distinct enough that readers can follow who's speaking.

"Can I get some damn help over here? HELLO?"
"My apologies sir. Unfortunately we're short staffed today."
"Nothin to worry about, sugar."
"What can I do for you mister?"
"Well sweetheart, I'm looking to get the old lady a little something to cheer her up. Y'see she's a stylist. Works from home, got a cute little salon in the basement. Her folks are in town and she asked if I could take 'em outta the house while she handled a few clients. It slipped my mind after a few drinks and I hit the back nine with Ed instead. Turns out her daddy wandered into the salon with nothin on. Now she's yapping like her business is going down the shitter. Say, you're a pretty little thing aren't ya."
"Oh my. Follow me sir. I've got just the thing. Trust me, you'll forget it ever happened."
"I'll be damned, show me what you're hidin."
"How bad do you want to make it up to your wife? What price are you willing to pay?"
"Sugar I'm not made of money, what's this all about?"
"I want you to take a look at a video tape."
"We ain't even got a VCR, what am I gonna do with a damn video tape."
"Sir please, trust me. Would a pretty lady like me steer ya wrong?"
"I suppose not. Alright. Show me the tape."
"Take a seat right here, let me grab you a drink, what'll it be?"
"Shit, now that's a real lady. Hell gimme a Whiskey"
"Coming right up sir. Make yourself at home."
The TV static whirs until it flashes. He's locked in.

Interesting exercise, probably made that more difficult on myself than I needed, but the story was revealing itself. A creepy old man walks into a boutique store, looking to get his wife a gift, he's in the doghouse. The owner of the shop immediately recognizes his type, knowing exactly what needs to be done. She lures him into the back room to watch the tape. What's on the tape? What happens when you watch it?

The Chiropractor

Column Chiropractic treatment a 15-billion industry has its roots in a ghost story

Andy worked a desk job at a print shop. It's not what he wanted to do with his life, but it paid well and he worked alone. He preferred it that way, but his back was killing him.

He tried it all, the standing desk, yoga, strength training, muscle relaxers, nothing worked. His ex-girlfriend, a yoga teacher with a crystal addiction, gave him the number of Dr. Palmer, Chiropractor. When he was a kid, a growing boy, his mom would drag him to get his spine "realigned." Dad made his quips about those "quacks," but mom swore by their witchcraft.

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