up:: 200 - Philosophy, Psychology, Spirtuality, Religion
type:: #π
status:: #π/π
tags:: #on/humanity #on/science #on/psychology
topics:: Science, Artificial Intelligence
links:: Computers are machines that do math and humans are not
The Soul
Is the soul a strictly human thing, or can robot have a soul as well?
> I went to medical school and I found my atheism wasn't feeling like it settled very well when I was sitting at the bedside of good honorable North Carolina people who were dying of diseases that we didn't have much to offer. And I wondered how I would handle that and figured for some of these people, clearly their faith was a source of great comfort. So I began a two-year journey to try to understand why did people believe in God. Ultimately, I began to realize the impoverishness that I felt from considering human beings solely as mechanical entities and the appeal of the notion that there was something outside of that that fits into things like love and beauty, altruism and goodness and morality. Does our DNA tell us that that beautiful sunset was something to stop for just a moment and kind of be a little bit in awe? Does the way in which listening to Beethoven's Third Symphony bring me to tears? Is that written in my DNA? What is that about? A More Perfect Human |
up:: 200 - Philosophy, Psychology, Spirtuality, Religion |