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The War on Transgender People
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it's attempting to really nail them down as transgender and build out a case that if we can prove that you've accessed gender affirming care, we're going to remove you from your parents' custody. The other thing this does is anyone who's ever worked in a field with kids, right? If you've ever been a teacher or an educator, a child care provider, you know that you've probably signed some paperwork making you a mandatory reporter, meaning that if you have reason to suspect that a young person is being abused as the law defines it, then you must turn them in. And because of this directive from the governor and the attorney general attempting to say, you know, we are interpreting the state's childhood to be statute to include this care, that means that nurses, counselors, guidance counselors in schools, teachers, assistant teachers, child care providers, this entire network of folks who work with youth across the state of Texas are then drafted into Governor Abbott's war on transgender youth.
If You Read the GOPs Anti-Trans Policies Youll See What It Really Wants
Over the course of the last few years has tried to warm politicians on the right up to the idea of going after transgender people. And there was a report that Magyaster in the New York Times did, which is called Terry Schilling, this group's president. And he said, we do in fact want to ban this care for anyone of any age. And in his words, the purpose in going towards young people was, quote, going where the consensus is. Now, one, I would challenge the idea that there is a consensus. And two, I think that belies just a sort of bad faith a lot of these discussions are that most of these groups, Alec, these organizations that are really well known in right wing circles for basically acting as bill mills for sort of printing off this legislation and distributing them across states, they are not going to tolerate medical transition at all.
If You Read the GOPs Anti-Trans Policies Youll See What It Really Wants
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