Descript Workflow - Audio Podcast

Steps to get up and running with editing an audio podcast in Descript

  1. Open Descript and click on the "+ New" button on the "Projects" homepage
  2. Choose "Audio Project"
  3. Now we need to add our audio files to the project
    1. Choose the "Media" button from the top toolbar (rectangle with play button inside it)
    2. Drag or "add files" to add your audio files to the project
  4. Descript will process the files, but while its doing that we can do a few things
    1. You can select all of the tracks by clicking on one track, holding command, and selecting the other tracks, do this
    2. Right click on one of the highlighted tracks and click "Transcribe files"
    3. A new dialogue box will pop up that's labeled "Transcribing", we can just close this while it does its thing.
    4. Go back to the "Media" panel and select all of your files again. Right click and select "Create Sequence". This will combine all of our tracks and open up another dialogue panel.
      1. Within this panel we can fix the audio with a click of a button.
      2. Click anywhere in the waveform of one of the tracks and find "Studio Sound" toggle button in the right sidebar, click it on.
      3. This will analyze the track and add some compression, equalizing, and noise reduction using some magic.
      4. The right panel also includes the volume, denoted in dB under the Audio section.
    5. Now to get to the editing, but first lets check our composition that was created from the sequence. Sometimes it will have a few errors due to "Mic Bleed". This can happen when the composition is created before the audio is processed. If you have this error I suggest you go back to the "Media" panel, twirl down the "Sequences" item and right click our new sequence, then select "New composition from file"
      1. This will create a new composition from our sequence and we can always go back to our original sequence to make changes to volume and effects applied to each track.
    6. Back in our composition, which you can find left of the checkmark icon in the top toolbar. Now you can simply edit this like you would a text document.
    7. For further control you can hit the "Show timeline" button on the bottom toolbar in order to see your waveform.
      1. Scale this up by dragging this panel up and down with your mouse. You can also zoom in and out using command and the plus/minus buttons
      2. Say you want to delete a bit of silence from a section, you can use the "Range" tool (or hit "R" on the keyboard to activate the range tool). Then, you can drag over a portion of the waveform that youd like to delete and hit delete on the keyboard. Easy as that.
    8. There are plenty of other tools available, but these are the basics.
    9. Once you are happy with the edit you will click the "Publish" button in the top right corner on the top toolbar.
      1. There are a variety of options, but you will most likely want to click "Export" and make sure your settings are correct for the file you want, ie MP3 audio and make sure you are Exporting the "Current Composition"
    10. Your file will be exported to the destination you select.

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