AI Art Debate

Is AI art theft? The debate about AI and art continues. Also see the aiartdebate tagged links on Raindrop


AI art tools like Stable Diffusion rely on human-created images for training data, which companies scrape from the web, often without their creators’ knowledge or consent. AI firms claim this practice is covered by laws like the US fair use doctrine, but many rights holders disagree and say it constitutes copyright violation. Legal experts are divided on the issue but agree that such questions will have to be decided for certain in the courts

β€œI don’t think it’s about damages and it’s not about stopping the distribution of this technology, I think there are ways of building generative models that respect intellectual property. I equate this to Napster and Spotify. Spotify negotiated with intellectual property rights holders β€” labels and artists β€” to create a service."

Getty Images Is Suing the Creators of AI Art Tool Stable Diffusion for Scraping Its Content




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AI is BS

up:: Artificial Intelligence