
Debunking the Great AI Lie | Noam Chomsky, Gary Marcus, Jeremy Kahn


Key Takeaways:

  • AI systems cannot distinguish between actual and non-actual worlds and cannot understand the underlying meanings of words.
  • AI systems perpetuate past bias and produce misinformation, which can be devastating to the democratic process.
  • AI systems are not making a scientific contribution to understanding the world, and are instead only producing superficial regularities in astronomical amounts of data.
  • AI systems are not providing insight into the nature of language or any other cognitive process.


  • What are the implications of AI systems perpetuating past bias?
  • What other dangers could arise from AI systems producing misinformation?
  • How can AI systems be used to gain insight into the nature of language and other cognitive processes?
  • What are the long-term effects of AI systems not providing insight into the world?


The Shortcomings of Large Language Models

The Shortcomings of Large Language Models

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