
Nick Milos Hotkey Essentials

Forum discussion about hotkeys for Obsidian


There are so many wonderful hotkeys. The crazy thing about hotkeys, is that each hotkey can open up a whole new world of workflow possibilities… That said, this is how my personal setup has emerged. Every choice is deliberate to match my personal needs. Hotkeys are a personal thing, but hopefully there are a few moves here you dig. Enjoy!


Some basics

Make new note β€” Cmd-n
Create note in new pane β€” Cmd-shift-n
Open the link you’re hovering over in a new pane (while in edit mode) β€” Cmd-click
Toggle edit/preview mode β€” Cmd-e
Open quick switcher β€” Cmd-o
Close active pane β€” Cmd-w

Formatting basics

Undo, cut, copy, paste, bold, italicize β€” Cmd-z,x,c,v,b,i


Open command palette β€” Cmd-p
Search and replace in current file β€” Cmd-f
Search in all files β€” Cmd-shift-f

Some faves for outlining

Swap line up β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-1
Swap line down β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-2
Toggle fold on current line β€” I mapped this to Cmd-3
Toggle line to bulleted of numbered list β€  β€” I mapped this to Cmd-4

†: Requires the plugin β€œHotkeys++”

Formatting intermediate

Insert template β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-t


Changing the view

Load workspace β€” I mapped this to: Shift-Esc
Manage workspaces β€” I mapped this to: Control-Esc
Toggle left sidebar β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-LeftArrow
Toggle right sidebar β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-RightArrow

Some secret weapons

Navigate back β€” I mapped this to: Opt-a
Navigate forward β€” I mapped this to: Opt-s

Programmed to my mouse

Open previous daily note β€” extra mouse button back
Open next daily note β€” extra mouse button forward
Open my Home note β€” When I click this mouse button, it types Cmd-o, 000, Enter

Setup and File Management

Open settings β€” Cmd-,
Show in system explorer β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-ctrl-opt-i
Reveal active file in navigation β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-ctrl-i
Move file to another folder β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-shift-i
Open another vault β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-ctrl-opt-o

Note Management

Toggle pin β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-shift-e
Note Refactor: Extract selection to new note - first line as file name β€ β€  β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-shift-r
Edit file title β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-l (then hit enter to return to the note)
Calendar: Open Weekly Note β€” I mapped this to: Cmd-shift-m

††: Requires the plugin β€œNote Refactor”
†††: Requires the plugin β€œCalendar”

Was supposed to learn VIM keybindings to make good use of the keyboard but found that it distracted me too much from getting things done. After watching your outlining video, I decided to take your suggestion and implement left-hand hotkeys myself to be more efficient in using both the keyboard and the mouse (which I found that I still needed to use even with VIM anyway), so much so that I made a note of these left-hand hotkeys should I forget themβ€”which would become unlikely after frequently using them.

Left hand keyboard shortcuts



Outlining (four of these hotkeys might be familiar)

I have some frequently-used hotkeys that I deliberately didn’t change to left-hand; these are the ones where I would need to type out something, thus would require my two hands anyway.

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